Customization and the visual impact of the packaging are defining parts of identifying and promoting any consumer product.
THE GROUPFilca Univel, acquired by Castagna Univel in 2010, is an Italian converting company founded in 1962 with a strong tradition of rotogravure and lamination (solvent and solvent less) of flexible packaging for both food and non-food products. The factory is located in North-Western Italy in Crescentino, a town close to Turin, and it covers an area of more than 25.000 square meters, of which 10.000 m2 are comprised of buildings. Filca Univel has a long-standing experience in packaging. Production has focused through the years on different areas of the food industry, making Filca a vastly known name in the world of industrial cakes and pastries, biscuits, chocolate, candies, snacks, crisps and ice cream. Among the strengths of the company, most notable is the great expertise in the application of cold seal, as well as lacquers and coatings of different nature and type. Filca Univel is strongly export-oriented, with highly skilled personnel able to communicate in English, German and French, capable of developing partnerships abroad. It supplies flexible packaging all over Europe and exports approximately 80% of its turnover, mainly in Central and Northern Europe.